No-redirect Tracking with Binom Landing Page Pixel

No-redirect Tracking with Binom Landing Page Pixel

If you are a marketer who depends on running ads for your product/offer/service, you must know how frustrating it can be getting your ads approved by moderators. Here is a shocker for you: Facebook approves less than 50% of ads placed on its platform by media buyers and marketers. This means each time you place an ad on Facebook, there are more chances of it getting disapproved than approved and this is mostly down to the tools and strategy you employed while placing the ads on the platform.

The truth is that the rule of the game is changing every day: Facebook, Google AdWords, Bings, and every other advertising platform out there are getting stricter every day. Thus, it is not uncommon to see your ads getting disapproved even if you have been using the platform for a long time. 

You certainly don’t need to waste a lot of time getting your ads approved if you are a busy marketer. You need a tool that makes it easier for your ads to get approved by the moderators on Facebook, Google AdWords, as well as on other platforms.

Binom LP pixel

This is where Binom landing page pixel becomes very important. As a marketer, you don’t only need to learn about pixels but also you need to use them on your campaigns. Binom landing page pixel will save you a lot of headaches. You can think of this tool as your personal assistant who keeps a record of everyone that visits your landing page. Additionally, you can use the data to offer a personalized web experience and even synchronize cookies across domains.

What are the benefits of Binom LP pixel?

There may be other reasons why you may need to use landing page pixels other than the ones described above. Some of these reasons include:

Cloaking your links

There are odd situations where your traffic source does not support links with a redirect. This could happen when you are using FB ads, Bing ads, AdWords, or even MyTarget. It usually leads to your campaign getting disapproved. When this happens, there is absolutely no need to panic. If you have Binom account already, all you need to do is log into your account and then fire up your LP pixel and send all the tokens of the source in the URL’s parameters.

Using CDN for LP

Do you want to use CDN for the landings? Then we strongly recommend making use of LP pixels in this case. This way, you will easily overcome the limitations that come with using CDN for the landings.

Analyze Traffic

As a marketer, one skill that you need to develop fast is the ability to analyze your traffic. Of course, there are tons of apps and software available for this job. You can use a state-of-art tracker like Binom. Additionally, you can use Google analytics and other tracking systems available in the market today.

However, if you want to run ads on Facebook or AdWords, you will need to overcome their very stringent approval process. In most cases, both Facebook and AdWords frown upon the use of tracking software and this may cause your ads to get disapproved. One key way to overcome this is to utilize Binom LP pixel. This way, you don’t have to send a different lander to Facebook or AdWords for approval. Instead, you can integrate pixel directly on your lander and get your ads approved faster without losing your ability to analyze your traffic.

We also recommend making use of landing page pixels when you expect most of your landing page visits to come from mobile. Using this approach will no doubt boost the performance of your campaign. Additionally, Binom LP pixels work very effectively when you want to do a campaign split test. You can easily find the steps to do this on Binom documentation page.

No doubt, using landing page pixel for your campaigns is no brainer. This is one of the features that exist in Binom but not available in most other trackers. This saves you a lot of time and of course, money. If you are already a Binom user, you certainly don’t need to pay any additional money to use this feature. It comes with your current premium plan.

How To Use Binom LP Pixel?

Whether you have experience using pixels before or not, you can certainly use Binom LP Pixel. It only takes a few clicks to set up and get your campaign running.

To make use of Binom LP pixel, you need to visit this page to learn the instructions. Binom already has a script (a line of code) that you will copy and then paste into the HTML-code of your landing page in the heading section. It is very easy to do. However, if you run into any problems, Binom support team will be happy to help you. 

Final Words

Making use of landing page pixel will greatly improve your overall campaign performance. If you are getting your traffic from Facebook and AdWords, using LP pixel increases your chance to get your campaign approved faster without losing your ability to track visitors’ action on your landing page. With Binom LP pixel, you can track your visitors without using link redirect and it works incredibly fast too especially on mobiles.

Anti-fraud and Anti-spy with MagicChecker and Binom

Anti-fraud and Anti-spy with MagicChecker and Binom

In 2016 alone, bots traffic accounted for 51.8 percent of online traffic. If you think that the above figure is huge, just take a look at 2018 figure. Without any doubt, bot traffic is increasing every day. Unfortunately, this presents a serious risk to media buyers, website owners, and affiliate marketers. 

According to a report released by, the ad fraud botnet known as “Chameleon” costs advertisers more than $6 million per month in 2016. Overall, media buyers lost over $7.2 billion to digital ad fraud caused mostly by bot traffic in 2016.

In another independent study, it was discovered that fraud takes $1 for every $3 spent on digital ads. Simply put, whenever you run an ad, you risk almost half of your budget to digital ad fraud. People behind this ad fraud are making lots of money mostly because advertisers don’t know how to protect themselves from ad frauds. Take for instance, in 2016, the click fraud operation which is known as Methbot generated $3 to $5 million in fraudulent revenue every day. 

Every revenue generated from ad fraud is a loss to media buyers and advertisers.

As a media buyer, affiliate marketer, or merchant, you certainly need trusted protection against every kind of ad fraud. In this article, you will learn a way to protect yourself and your investment when buying advertisement online. 

What is Bot Traffic?

To put it simply, a bot is a script created to run automated task over the internet. It is part of a sophisticated system used by malicious people to do ad frauds online. There are good bots and bad bots. Unfortunately, most people tend to use bots with bad intentions like to perpetuate ad frauds online. A report showed that more than 56% of bot traffic is used for malicious purposes.

As a marketer, you can lose money when someone bombards your ads with bots. If you are wondering why you are getting so many clicks but few conversion, it is possible that those clicks are coming from bot traffic.

Here is another example of ad fraud:

Let’s say you created an ad that targets a certain region. For instance, the United States. A malicious affiliate or website can make use of a VPN to send fake traffic to your offer. This way, you will be deceived into believing that you are getting real traffic from the United States. A lot of advertisers lose money due to this fake traffic from VPNs.

Unfortunately, not every tracker is equipped to detect fake and VPN traffic. Binom tracker allows you to make use of third-party app known as MagicChecker to ensure that your traffic is real and you pay only for human traffic.

How Can You Prevent Ad Fraud?

Binom provides tools you need whether as an affiliate or as a merchant to maximize your income online.

One of such tools is known as MagicChecker. It’s a third party service integrated with Binom tracker. Some of the MagicChecker advantages:

  • Protects you against bot traffic
  • Protects you against VPN traffic
  • Offers spy services protection
  • Competitor’s detecting
  • Monitors all traffic sources
  • Comes with advanced reporting
  • Allows you to create your own custom rules

When you sign up for Binom, you can easily integrate your MagicChecker account in Binom and maximize your campaign result. This means every traffic sent to your link is guarded against fake traffics. MagicChecker and Binom will analyze every incoming traffic and check them against fraud indicators to ensure they are real. With MagicChecker and Binom, you can improve your conversion rate and your overall campaign result.

How Does MagicChecker Integration Works In Binom?

MagicChecker integration in Binom works seamlessly. All the setup can be done in just a few clicks. To get started, you only need to have a MagicChecker account and then proceed to set up the required filters. If you are unsure how to do this, you can easily follow these instructions.

After setting up everything you need on your MagicChecker account, you can now log into your Binom account and set up your tracker. This can be done within 2 minutes. Binom has a team of advanced and experienced customer support to help you navigate through this process should in case you require some help setting up your campaign or integrating MagicChecker into your Binom account.

Affiliate Marketing Campaign Triggers | What For?

Affiliate Marketing Campaign Triggers | What For?

As an affiliate marketer, one of your worst nightmares will be to wake up and discover that you’ve been sending premium traffic to a campaign URL that has already been blocked or to a landing page with the very low conversion rate. This has been the story of almost every experienced performance marketer.

Every affiliate wants to maximize ad spend. This means, when you are paying for traffic, you want every click to turn into action.

Affiliate campaign control issues

However, the only problem is that you cannot monitor your campaign 24/7. It is almost impossible. Sometimes, a particular landing page may not be converting so well, which means you need to switch to a new landing page or offer, but you are not online. Additionally, Google may block your campaign URL while your campaign is still running, and all those clicks will go to waste. We have heard horror stories of affiliates that lost money because they reached their server limit with no way to switch to a new server automatically.

All these errors could cost you a lot of money!

Until now, no other tracker has been able to provide a good solution to these problems until Binom tracker came onboard. Binom has been able to give affiliates and performance marketers peace of mind while running their campaign by providing a feature known as “Triggers”.

What does Binom trigger do?

To understand this feature, think of going on a 22-hour non-stop flight from the United States to Australia. You have two pilots. Your pilots are humans after all and therefore have their own weaknesses. Most times, your pilots (both of them) fall asleep at the same time while you are on the air.

Of course, you don’t know this. You would be really freaked out to find out that both of your pilots are sleeping on a live flight. But, your pilots are confident that the airplane autopilot can pilot the plane safely. The autopilot can switch gears and do maneuvers. However, when there is a serious problem, there are notifications to give instant alert to pilots.

Your Binom triggers do the same job. When you are running a campaign, there is a huge chance that your primary landing page will not convert so well. Additionally, it may convert so well at the beginning of your campaign and then drop so low.

Similarly, you could run out of server space if you are receiving so much traffic. Another problem you could face is that your URL may be blocked. When this happens, it makes sense you have an automated “Plan-B” in place.

Why Binom trigger could save you money

The Binom trigger is not just designed to give you real-time notifications when your campaign runs into an undesired problem; it is also designed to take corrective actions so you don’t lose time or money on your campaign.

Take, for instance, you could set up your trigger so that it switches your funnel automatically in case your landing page conversion drops lower than, let’s say, 20%. 

Awesome, right? There are actually a lot of conditions and tags you could use to set up triggers on the Binom platform. Some of the most popular conditions include: 

  • Tracker metrics: number of clicks, leads, LP CTR, CR, EPC, etc.;
  • Domains ban 
  • Link unavailability
  • CAP overload
  • Specified response by the link

Once any condition you set is triggered, your tracker will perform all the specified actions automatically. Take, for instance, if your link suddenly becomes unavailable and you set a condition for it, the tracker will instantly switch to another link you’ve already set up.

Why Binom Trigger Could Save You a Lot of Money

Binom Triggers feature is one of the state-of-art features you will enjoy when you make use of the Binom tracker. Since it was founded a couple of years ago, Binom has proven itself as the best tracker in the industry for top media buyers and affiliates. With Binom, you do all your tracking on your own server. Binom also boasts of intuitive user interface and world-class fast responding customer support.

What else? Binom features

Binom is notable for other unique features such as:

  • Landing Protection: This is a simple feature that is designed to block any direct access to your landing except your campaign URL. It is a great way to ensure that your competitors are not spying on you. 
  • Advanced Reporting System: Binom comes with an advanced reporting system, which gives you the flexibility to choose how you want to see and analyze your campaign data. 
  • Advanced Traffic Distribution System: Binom remains one of the very few trackers with the advanced traffic distribution system in place. This new feature allows you to distribute your incoming traffic optimally between your landing pages.

TDS Smart Rotation Tool For Performance Marketing

TDS Smart Rotation Tool For Performance Marketing

Promoting your landing page can be tough, but when you are using a tracker that automatically optimizes your campaign and rotate your traffic flow among various campaigns, it makes it easier to get result with less amount of money. The problem is, most affiliate marketers don’t even know that such features exist.

When you type the word “tracker” on Google or other search engines, you are going to get thousands of results. If you are like every other average Google user, you are likely to choose a tracker that comes with basic functions but still charges you a lot of money.

Most trackers you will find online do not have “smart rotation function”. If you are looking for a way to optimize your campaign and get the best results while sticking to your original budget, you will find this article useful. 

What is Smart Rotation And How It Can Boost Affiliate Campaign Profits

One problem most affiliate marketers and media buyers face today is that there is no way to tell which of their campaigns will bring in the big bucks they hope for. The best way to find out is to create multiple campaigns, do A/B split testing, and then see which campaign performs the best. 

Typically, you will have to stop one campaign to show your audience the next campaign. Similarly, some media buyers keep on showing the same ads to the same audience over and over again, hoping that they can force the audience to click on their landing page and take action. Unfortunately, it doesn’t exactly work that way.

This is where Binom Smart Rotation System comes in.

Smart rotation function is an intelligent feature available on Binom tracker. It is designed for running multiple campaigns which make use of a specific conversion funnel. When it’s activated, this app decides the amount of traffic flow that each campaign gets. Typically, the app sends a considerable portion of your traffic flow to the best-performing campaign or the most-promising campaign.

Awesome, huh?

Binom smart rotation function was received with a lot of buzz by top affiliate marketers in the industry. The excitement in the industry over Binom smart rotation function was akin to the time Google announced ad rotation settings for Adword users. Although Google ad rotation function did not last, you can always count on Binom smart rotation function to be around for a really long time. 

How Does Smart Rotation Function Works

When setting up a campaign, a typical traffic flow goes like this:

Traffic source > Landing page > Call to action > Direct link

The problem here is an audience is shown the same landing page over and over again. If he is not impressed with your landing page, at first sight, he is not going to be impressed the second time. Of course, marketers have become wiser over the years. Thus, they make use of different landing pages but still the same conversion funnel. This method is quite innovative and works as far as you are willing to manually test each landing page differently until you find your winner. 

But, why do this task manually when you can do it automatically and more efficiently? 

When implemented, Binom smart rotation function monitors your campaigns that share the same conversion funnel and rotate them according to their performance. Alternatively, you can also select the type of distribution you want to implement and even allocate the amount or percentage of traffic you want on each campaign. This saves you time and ensures you optimize your result by showing your audience your best performing campaign. 


Let’s say you have “Offer 1”, “Offer 2,” and “Offer 3” that you want your audience to see. It is possible to show them all your offers that share the same conversion funnel. When set up, the “offer 1” receives the first unique click. The probability that this happens is 1000/2. Similarly, the following non-unique clicks will be distributed between “Offer 2” and “Offer 3”.
The settings look like this:

Smart Rotation Example

A smart rotation function is indeed a valuable tool that can help you optimize your result. You can rotate your traffic flow among different offers. This increases the chances of getting an audience to take action so you don’t lose that click. Next time you are looking for a way to get the most from your advertising budget, make sure you use this intelligent tool from Binom.

How To Set Up Smart Rotation Function

Setting up smart rotation function is very easy and does not require any skills. You have access to this functionality when you subscribe to one of Binom’s plans. To get started, simply go to the Smart Rotation Function documentation page to see the setup guidelines. 

You can set up your smart rotation under one minute!

As a customer, you get priority access to Binom customer care if you get stuck while setting up your smart rotation or if you need extra help.

Traffic Distribution System (TDS) for Affiliate

Traffic Distribution System (TDS) for Affiliate

You may be missing a lot of opportunities and revenues in affiliate marketing if you are not using a tracker with traffic distribution system (TDS). In the last couple of years, top marketers have come to set trackers with TDS as the industry standard.

One professional tracker you can always count on for this functionality is Binom. It is a professional tracker created by a top affiliate who himself was a top media buyer in the past. Binom has grown over the years. Today, this tracker platform has a large set of tools for analyzing traffic and its traffic distribution system is a feature performed in a way you will not find in other top trackers.

What is Binom TDS and Why Do You Need It?

As a media buyer, one challenge that you will always face is the optimization of campaign funnels. Since many trackers don’t offer this functionality, you will have to find these tools separately and adapt them to your current tracker. Of course, this is time-consuming and often inefficient.

The TDS is simply the percentage of traffic that you can split between various offers (or variations). This system allows you to monitor your campaign in real-time automatically and re-distribute traffic on your landing pages and your offers in the campaign automatically. Binom will automatically do this task for you every minute. Perhaps, the greatest benefit of using this function is that you get your traffic to your best-performing offer quickly.

Binom Traffic Distribution Setup Page

How Does Traffic Distribution Work?

Most media buyers leverage the power of TDS while testing offers. Let’s say you have two variations of the same offer. The traffic distribution functionality allows you to automatically assign 50% of your traffic to the first variation and the remaining 50% to the second variation.

In practice, when you do a 50/50 split, it means that your entire traffic will be split between “Offer A” and “Offer B.” Based on our experience, one offer may be performing above the expectation. Fortunately, Binom allows you to automatically send all your traffic to your “winning” offer. The above make your campaign more efficient, cost-effective, and result-oriented.

Once you identify the winning campaign, you can then stop traffic to other variations except to the winning campaign.

This functionality is very useful. Binom platform gives you the flexibility to use traffic distribution as you want. Let’s give you another example of how you can use traffic distribution on the Binom platform.

Traffic Distribution System (TDS) Example

If you want to test two variations of your offer, but you only want 80% of your visitors to see these two offers, this is possible with Binom tracker. You can divide this 80% traffic equally, i.e., 50/50 between the two offer variations. What this means is that the remaining 20% of visitors you get won’t see any of these two test variations. On Binom platform, it is called “setting up the campaign rules.”

TDS is a powerful tool in the hands of the right media buyer or advertiser. You can use this tool to allocate and control how much of your traffic you use during experimentation. This way, you ensure you use your tracker most cost-effectively and efficiently. The benefits are many. You save money, and you get the desired results when you are using traffic distribution in your test campaigns.

How To Use Binom TDS

It is very easy to set up your traffic allocation and distribution on the Binom platform. You can find all the instructions you need on the Traffic Distribution documentation page. If you are still struggling to set it up, you can always contact Binom support chat for help and guidance.

Once you log into your Binom account, you will have the option to set up the campaign rules for your traffic distribution. After this, you will then select your lander, offer, campaign, and set up your A/B testing campaign.

Note: You can always contact Binom customer care if you feel stuck at any point.

Tips To Get the Best From Your Traffic Distribution

The tips below will help you use your traffic distribution most efficiently:

  • When experimenting with a product you suspect might not work, it is recommended you set low traffic to reduce the risk on your budget.
  • Use high traffic allocation to gather data required for your marketing.
  • Set up your TDS to send 100% of your visitors to your best-performing offer
  • There will always be fluctuations in traffic. Thus, this will affect your campaign data. Therefore, we recommend that you at least, allow your experiment run for about seven days.

Top 5 Push Notifications Traffic Networks [Review]

Push notification traffic is here to stay. This new traffic source can take your affiliate marketing results to the next level.

Right now, the push notifications service is relatively new and unsaturated. Therefore, you can get a massive result by tapping into this new traffic source. If you are still wondering what push notification is and its benefits, you can read our previous article here.

Apple pioneered push notification services in 2008, but Google and Windows later adopted it for their Android and Windows operating platforms respectively. However, push notification has gone viral since then. As a result, today smart marketers are leveraging push notifications to drive high-converting cheap traffic to their affiliate offers.

Push notifications campaign is easier to set up than, say email campaigns. You can also get better results when you do it right. For instance, to set up a push notification campaign, you need:

  • Title
  • Short description
  • Image
  • Target URL

Perhaps, the greatest challenge marketers are facing is finding a reliable platform that offers push notification services. In this article, you will learn top 5 push notification services you can start using today.

Top 5 Push Notifications Traffic Networks For Smart Affiliates

1. PropellerAds

PropellerAds was founded in 2011 but quickly grew to become one of the leading popunder traffic networks. However, the company describes itself as a Self-Serve platform. Today, PropellerAds offer other types of advertising such as native advertising and push notification services.

One of the key benefits of PropellerAds as push notifications traffic network is that it provides excellent target options. You can choose between CPC or CPM option. It is also straightforward to set up. Just create your PropellerAds account and then click on “Create Campaign” to get started. Set up your push notification campaign by clicking on “Push Notifications.”

You have to deposit $200 to start using this platform.

PropellerAds campaign setup page

Top Features

  • Global coverage
  • Fraud prevention
  • Automated ad optimization
  • Self-service platform
  • Over 200 million real users

2. RTX Platform

RTX Platform is very popular for native ads, push notifications, and full-page advertisements. Above all, the company works with top brands like Google, Taboola, and Outbrain.

Setting up your push notification campaign in RTX Platform is relatively easy. Each campaign is segmented into – Campaign, Ad Group, Creative. You will need to sign up, then go to the section with “Push Notifications” to start using this platform for your campaigns.

You need to fund your account with $500 to use this platform.

RTX Platform Campaign set up page

Top Features

  • CPC, CPV, and CPM available
  • Advanced targeting
  • Worldwide traffic
  • Cross-device reach
  • Multiple payment options
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Dedicated support

3. Adsterra

Adsterra gives you access to 4000+ direct publishers. The company was founded in 2013 but has grown very fast. Today, Adsterra serves over 22 billion geo-targeted ad impressions every month. Some ad formats on this platform include popunders, direct links, pre-roll video, interstitials, and push notifications.

Adsterra has pricing models that include CPL, CPM, PPI, and CPA. You can fund your Adsterra account through Payoneer, Bitcoin, ePayments, or Wire Transfer. Adsterra is a great alternative to if you are looking for a low-cost push notifications services.

You only need to deposit $100 to start advertising on this platform.

Adsterra campaign setup page

Top Features

  • Multiple pricing options
  • Multiple payment options
  • Over 800+ advertisers
  • Free consultation
  • Advanced optimization
  • Real-time bidding

4. has ten years’ experience in digital display advertising network. The company recently added push notification services as one of their advertising options. However, this company is still not as popular as PropellerAds when it comes to push notification advertising. Nonetheless, you can still get some great result on platform.

Ad-Maven boasts of 1.5 billion daily impressions and multiple ad formats. When you want to set up your push notification campaign, you have an option to choose from CPC, CPL, and CPM. You can fund your account through Payoneer, PayPal, Bitcoin, and Wire Transfer.

You need to deposit $100 to start advertising on this platform.

Ad-maven campaign setup page

Top Features

  • Flexible payment
  • Multiple payment options
  • Easy integration
  • Dedicated support
  • Low deposit
  • Full coverage
  • High CPM

Final Words

Affiliate marketing is evolving. Every day, we see new traffic sources coming up. You can take advantage of these new traffic sources to boost your affiliate earning.

No doubt, push notification advertising is an excellent option if you are searching for high-performing new traffic sources. After that, you can test each of the push notifications traffic networks mentioned above with little budget to find the winner.

We hope it works for you!

Push Notifications Ad Traffic for Affiliate | Guide

Push Notifications Ad Traffic for Affiliate | Guide

What is the one thing that top affiliate marketers do differently? Finding new traffic sources! The ugly truth that affiliate marketers earning 7-figure monthly income won’t tell is that you are as good as your traffic source.

Affiliate marketing is one business that depends heavily on the traffic source you are using. Traffic sources like email, social media, PPC are great, but the problem is that thousands of other affiliates are using the same source. Probably, many of them are promoting the same offer just like you. So you see, most of these traffic sources are already saturated!

Take email marketing for example. An average person receives about 90 emails on average per day. 90 emails! Your awesome email will probably be lost in the heap if you are using email as your major traffic source. While some of these trusted traffic sources are becoming saturated, others are coming up, thanks to new technologies. Since smartphone became popular few years, it has presented affiliate marketers with tons of new options to use as a traffic source. One of these new traffic sources is known as Push Notifications.

What are Push Notifications Anyway?

You have been hearing of push notifications but you don’t seem to really get what it is all about. This article will explain to you what Push Notification is and how you can leverage it in your marketing.

As the name suggests, push notifications are interactive messages that are used to draw the attention of a user to a new offer or post. Push notifications work on both mobile and desktop and can be used by affiliate marketers and webmasters.

How Does Push Traffic Work?

A typical push notification contains 3 basic elements which include:

  • A Text
  • An Image
  • A Link

It works in a very simple way, like email subscription only easier. When a visitor comes to your website or landing page, the visitor will be prompted to confirm if they want to receive notifications from you. Once the visitor confirms this by clicking “Yes”, he will instantly be added into your contact list. There is no need for you to create an opt-in form as you do in email marketing. Push ad is a lot easier. Whenever you have a new offer or post, all you have to do is create a short text summary, add an image, insert a link to the main post, and then send your notifications.

The great thing about push ads is that they are interactive, non-intrusive, and get the attention of the user. You are more likely to see an explosion in your open rates when you start using push adss. According to the, push notifications to get far higher open rates than emails do. So you see, if your media buying is no longer working, you should consider switching to push notifications method.

Do Push Notifications Work?

This is a hotly debated topic. However, every research done on this topic suggests that push ads really work especially when you compare them to other traffic sources.

In a study by Localytics in 2018, the average email opt-in rate is 20% while the average push notification opt-in rate in the same 2018 is a whopping 53.3%. That is huge. When open rates between say email and push notifications were compared, push notifications once again come out a winner with about 8% open rate.

Localytics also studied the types of campaigns done through push notification over 3 years. In 2015, segmented campaigns made 65% of all campaigns, 75% in 2016 and then significantly went up to 85% in 2017. During the same period under review, broadcast push campaigns came down to a mere 15% in 2017 from 35% in 2015. The result showed that more people are using push notification features to personalize their campaign for better results.

Push Notifications Traffic Dynamics

Why Should You Use Push Notifications

Push notifications have so many advantages and that is why it is getting a lot of attention from top marketers. Some of these benefits include:

1. Create User Engagement

Studies have shown that users prefer to push notifications than apps. They are 10 times more likely to follow a link through push notifications than to use an app. Push ads, therefore, create a way for affiliate marketers to send real-time offer to users.

2. Boost Conversion Rates

Research by Localytics showed that push notifications are personalized which makes them attractive to the targeted audience. You can easily trigger immediate purchase the moment you send out notifications. A company known as La Redoute was able to solve their problem of abandoned carts and increased click-through rate by using push notifications. You can easily boost your conversion rate with this method too.

3. Create Urgency in Your Marketing

Push notification creates a feeling of urgency. If you have a really good offer, using push traffic is a great way to get buyers to take action immediately.

4. Target the Right Users

Push notifications allow you to target the right users based on their location and interest. There are certain permissions that the user will accept which will allow you to understand their interest and even their location. This way, you can segment your audience and personalize the offer you send to each group of audience.

5. Track Actionable Metrics

With push traffic, you can be able to track some of the user’s behavior. For instance, you will be able to get important data like open rates, delivery receipts, open times, and even engagement. This type of data is considered goldmine in marketing. When you have this data, it will give you a great insight into users behavior which you can use to create a personalized campaign that connects better with users.

Final Words

If you are an affiliate marketer that wants to take your business to the next level, it is important that you consider push notifications. It is reliable and cost-effective, and more importantly, it gets results. With just a single click, you can place your offer in front of the right audience. It is also very easy to get push notification subscriptions. Adopting this new traffic source will no doubt change your entire marketing positively.

6 Free Ad Traffic Trackers for Affiliate Website

8 Free Ad Traffic Trackers for Affiliate Website

Conversion! – That is the goal of every affiliate marketer. Whether you are a vendor or an affiliate, you need the product to convert. More importantly, you need to be able to monitor how the product converts. This is why it has become very crucial that you track the activities of people that visit your landing page. So, we are going to talk about traffic trackers.

In the past, affiliate marketers used to drive traffic to a certain product with no means to track how many people are visiting their link or even what people do when they visit their landing page. This means they have no idea if their traffic converted or not. In fact, most of these affiliate marketers used to depend on the product owner to know how much traffic they’ve sent so far and how many of them converted into sales. You can imagine that this provides an opportunity for product owners to rip off publishers.

Today, it is possible to monitor the activities of a visitor on your website/landing page and know exactly when your product converts into sales. This is now possible due to click tracking software. You can even make use of some of this tracking software completely free. Below, we will review some best free click tracking software today.

What is Traffic Tracker?

Click tracking software is simply a tool used by affiliate marketers, advertisers, and even analysts to monitor activities of a website visitor on a certain webpage, measure user engagement, and attribute conversions.

Click tracking will provide you valuable information you can use to improve your marketing. When done well, it reveals exactly what motivates your website visitors to take action. You can then leverage this information to improve your next offer. Besides, this tracking software keep affiliate publishers and advertisers honest. It ensures no one rip off another. Unfortunately, not all ad traffic trackers have the features you need. Thus, we will review some of the best click tracking software below:

Top 6 Free Ad Tracking Software For Affiliate Marketers

1. Bitly

Bitly is mostly known as a URL shortener. In fact, the platform made its debut in 2008 as a URL shortener. However, over the years, Bitly grew to become more sophisticated and can provide a lot of information that is very valuable for marketing purposes.

You can always use Bitly completely free for link tracking. It was so popular back in the day and most new affiliates still use Bitly today for tracking. In recent days, the platform has grown to become more sophisticated in order to serve its growing customers better. They now have some paid features you can always use if you ever feel the need to upgrade.

2. ClickGum

ClickGum is one of the new players in the click tracking industry. However, they provide good and reliable link tracking you can use when you are just getting started as an affiliate marketer. With ClickGum, you can be able to track and optimize your link. The software also comes with a feature that allows you to detect click fraud.

If you are on a shoestring budget, you can always get started with this free click tracking software. However, you will be limited to just 1000 monthly clicks. ClickGum comes with other features as well but only available for premium users.

3. LinkTrack

As an affiliate marketer, you can use LinkTrack forever to track your links without paying a cent. The software allows you to track unlimited clicks for free. It is very easy to use. This means, even a beginner can leverage this software to monitor his clicks.

LinkTrack comes with a feature you won’t see in other free software such as graphical reporting which allows you to see your link conversion at a glance. It also provides detailed tracking information. Nonetheless, you may have to upgrade to the premium version to have access to all the tracking information.

4. ClickPerfect

ClickPerfect allows you to try different plans for free. This software provides real-time information on what the users are doing on your website. It is definitely not another link shortener but sophisticated ad traffic tracker that you will find useful.

We included ClickPerfect in our list because you can use it for two weeks completely free. Other than that, we found that most of their plans are very expensive and may not be well suited for someone that is just getting started in affiliate marketing.

5. AffTrack

AffTrack can be used as an enterprise SaaS Solution for tracking and reporting links. This software made its debut back in 2009 and has grown to be used by a lot of affiliates today. AffTrack comes with features such as real-time analytics, device targeting, and even brandable interfaces.

You can try AffTrack for free for one month. However, if you want to enjoy the full feature, you will need to upgrade to a premium plan. AffTrack is also expensive for a new affiliate.

6. Extreme Tracking

Extreme tracking provides free tracking for any need. Unlike some of the software mentioned already on our list, you can use this click tracking software completely free without any need to upgrade. You just need to fill a form to get access to your free tracking.

We will recommend you should be careful about how you use this website. We cannot guarantee its security. Extreme Tracking is still new and may have some trust issues. In some cases, we discovered that you may experience issues opening links shortened with this software on some browsers.

Bonus option: Binom

If you are a big time affiliate marketer or advertiser, you must have surely heard of Binom. Today, all smart marketers are making a switch to this ad traffic tracker.  Why? The answer is very simple: Binom has features that you will not find on other trackers.

Whether you are getting started or you are already at the top of your game, Binom has plans for every level so you don’t feel left out. You can use Binom completely free for a trial period of 14 days. At your trial, you will get server setup, tracker installation, and super-responsive customer service. The software is designed mainly for affiliate marketers and media buyers.

If you are tired of low tracking speed or errors and need a tracker that works fast and provide detailed information, you need to switch to Binom like other top marketers are already doing.

Final Words

Choosing the best free click tracking software can be quite challenging. We always recommend you do your research and avoid trackers with limited features even when you used them on free plans.

5 Important Affiliate Marketing Trends for 2019

Important Affiliate Marketing Trends

Are you ready to start crushing affiliate marketing in 2019? In a chat with 3 affiliate marketing gurus who made at least $1 million dollars in affiliate marketing in 2018, they said the secret was just to watch the trends, follow it, and then improve it. Affiliate marketing is an online business that will never die. Instead, it keeps changing as the needs of consumers change.

Affiliate Marketing Changes Constantly

Affiliate market trends change as new products, as well as technologies, are being introduced into the market every day. Similarly, the way we access information also changes. Think of it, a couple of years ago, social media platforms (e.g. Facebook) were not as developed and sophisticated as they are today. There was a time when all you need to keep the money rolling is to spam your affiliate links in various Facebook groups. Those days are over now. Even Google constantly changes its algorithm.

The only way you can keep on crushing affiliate marketing is to keep your eyes on these trends. At the end of the year, you have to analyze your results and tools used. It is important that you always stay ahead of others by watching the market closely. According to a study by Bookmaker Ratings, the affiliate marketing industry is expected to grow to $6.8 billion by 2020. Therefore, there is still a lot of money to be made in this industry. To help you start crushing affiliate market this year, we’ve compiled top affiliate marketing trends for 2019.

2019 Affiliate Marketing Trends For Professionals

1. Voice Search To Become More Popular

Are you ready for voice search? In recent years, it is increasingly becoming part of the core SEO traffic for any website. More people are making use of this feature to search for information online. In fact, recent research put the number of Americans that use voice search at 40%. Now, the question you have to ask yourself is: Is my website optimized for voice search?

If your website is not already optimized for voice search, you have to optimize it right away. Fortunately, there are many tools and guides that can help you to easily get your website ready for the voice search feature.

2. Relevant Quality Content Still Remains Relevant

Over the years, we’ve seen many trends come and go. However, one trend that will never go out is the use of relevant and quality content. It doesn’t matter what you sell or promote online, you always have to make sure that your content is relevant, educative, informative, easy-to-understand, and actionable. If any of these qualities are lacking from your content, you may struggle to attract the right audience.

3. Key Focus on Mobile Traffic

In the past couple of years, there has been a greater emphasis on mobile device users and there is a good reason for that. In other words, more people are making use of their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to search for information online. According to Google, 64% of searches on their platform came from mobile devices in 2018. In another study, it was discovered that the number of unique smartphone users reached an incredible 3.7 billion users in January 2018. Interestingly, this number is expected to grow.

So, you need to optimize your marketing strategy for smartphone users. Google, as well as other search engines, are placing greater emphasis on websites that are optimized for mobile phones. Use this opportunity to gain customers and make more sales.

4. Use of Anti-Ad Fraud Technologies

CPC marketing is very competitive. This is the reason why some publishers resort to using strategies and technologies designed to manipulate the loopholes in the system and to scam advertisers. In 2018 alone, it was reported that more than $19 billion was lost to ad fraud. One of such loopholes is the use of poor tracking on the affiliate (advertiser) side. New technologies are now available to help affiliates block these loopholes. One such technology is the use of tracking services (e.g. Binom) to track your online activities and avoid fraud.

Adopting anti-fraud technology is both the interest of publishers and advertisers. It keeps the process transparent and ensures that no one cheats the other.

5. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Affiliate Marketing

There is no doubt that AI became part of our lives. For instance, we’ve seen them in social media and even companies are now deploying AI for various functions. Most recently, a number of tech companies are designing AI for affiliate marketing. One of such companies and products is IBM Watson that helps publishers to better manage their campaigns.

Interestingly, top affiliate marketers are already adopting AI to optimize and monitor the performance of their campaigns. If you are looking to gain upper hand in your affiliate marketing, we recommend exploring ways you can use artificial intelligence to gain an advantage over your competitors.

What Do These Trends Mean For You?

New trends mean new opportunity. After that, if you have been struggling with affiliate marketing, this is an opportunity to get it right. Adopting new technology or just a new way of doing things can change your entire affiliate marketing for better. So, now it is up to you to do your research, investigate the tools recommended in this article, and find out new tools you can leverage to take your affiliate marketing to the next level. In conclusion, you can easily crush affiliate marketing in 2019 only if you are willing to make more effort.

Got Stuck? Top 6 Digital Marketing Trends In 2019

Top 6 Digital Marketing Trends In 2019

Every year, businesses create a new budget and even a new marketing plan. Interestingly, more than half of businesses do not study digital marketing trends. This always come back to negatively affect their marketing later in the year. A lot has been changing recently and it is extremely important that you know these new trends.

Follow The Digital Marketing Innovation

The digital marketing landscape includes social media, email marketing, SEO, PPC, content marketing, etc. All of them are witnessing a dramatic shift. Take, for instance, Facebook is making big changes on the way the platform is used following wide criticism they received in 2018 as a result of the Cambridge Analytica saga. Other platforms are making changes too. If you want to succeed, you cannot ignore any of them in 2019.

New trends and stats emerge every year and it is important that you keep your eyes on them. Take, for instance, it was recently revealed that people in the United Kingdom are now using 10x more mobile data than 6 years ago. This information has changed the way businesses operate in this region. When it comes to digital marketing, every piece of information is important. The changes mentioned above played a big role in marketing in 2018. And 2019 promises to be even more disruptive. To help you take advantage of this, we have compiled the list of the top trends for 2019.

Top 6 Online Marketing Trends

1. The Year of Artificial Intelligence

Since Facebook paid $2 billion to acquire Oculus in 2014, marketers have always believed that artificial intelligence is going to play a huge role in the way we utilize digital marketing. Since then, all the top global tech companies such as Google, and Microsoft have invested heavily on AI. Thus, it is not surprising that experts have predicted that 2019 is going to be the year of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence plays different roles in marketing such as analyzing consumer behavior and search patterns. It can also be used by companies to understand how consumers view their product. In 2019, you can use AI to gain an edge over competitors by saving costs and accelerating growth.

2. Video Ads Dominating the Market

Results of studies from different organizations have shown that videos will once again be the most-accepted marketing medium by consumers. Facebook just rolled out a new program known as “Facebook Ads Break” to attract video creators to the platform in an effort to compete with YouTube. This year, video (both video ads and live video) will account for 85% of total internet traffic. Experts believe that advertisers will spend over $20 billion on mobile video in 2019.

Available data showed that 52% of consumers believed that watching videos make them more confident in online purchase decisions while 72% of businesses say videos have improved their conversion rate. Video ads make almost 65% of Instagram ads impression and Facebook is also showing more video ads since the beginning of the year. If you want to spread your message more successfully in 2019, you need to start using videos in your ads, social media pages, and on your website.

3. Micro-Influencer Marketing Will Grow

Since 2016, influencer marketing has been growing. This type of marketing focuses on using leaders to drive your brand’s message to a larger audience. However, there is now a new trend. Brands are no longer looking for big influencers with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers. They are now paying more attention to micro-influencers.

The reason for this is that micro-influencers have more engaged and industry-specific followers, and are likely to give you the result you need. Besides, micro-influencers are more affordable. A study has shown that brands believe it is more rewarding to spread your budget across two or more micro-influencers than on one top influencer.

4. Voice-Search Moves To The Next Stage

If you are still not positioning your contents to take advantage of voice-activated search, you may find yourself struggling soon. People are beginning to accept this type of search in huge numbers. It is widely believed that voice-activated search will make up 50% of all searches by 2020. Similarly, experts believe that sales from this technology will reach $40 billion by 2022.

Big search engine companies such as Google and Bing are investing a huge amount of money into voice search project to make it more appealing to advertisers and consumers. It is important that you create your contents in such a way that it can easily appear upon a voice search.

5. Good Content Is Still the King

While you are chasing new technologies and trends, don’t forget that creating high-quality contents is a trend that will never go away. Contents are the heart and soul of digital marketing. The quality is always going to be very important to consumers. Time has gone when you can copy content from a competitor or use a click bait. Unfortunately, consumers now have a way to figure out these things.

Using clickbait in your headline is like shooting yourself in the leg. Consumers will figure this out and you will lose their trust. In fact, some consumers will go to the extent of starting a social media hashtag warning others to avoid you.

Focus on creating high-quality contents. Make sure that your content is educative and relevant. Whether you are creating social media, email, or video content, it is important you keep it high-quality. You can hire a copywriter to help you with your contents.

6. Use Powerful Tracking Solution

When it comes to media buying, every good marketer understands the importance of tracking every campaign. Using a powerful tracker became crucial nowadays. The competition grows rapidly, traffic gets more expensive, so no reason to pay for low-quality non-targeted visitors. Also, you need to automate as many online activities as possible and optimize your KPIs constantly.

Final Words

As far as we know, 2019 is promising to be a very interesting year for everyone involved in digital marketing. Big changes are coming and this can be very hard for you to accept. However, it is important that you are aware of these trends and analyze how they will affect your marketing. Ensure your team stays up to date on changes in digital marketing trends. If you can do this, you will be able to grow your business and stay relevant in your industry.