Update 2.18.00 - 20.02.25
- Colour Theme Customization: To change your tracker's main colour theme go to System > Appearance.
- Beta Testing Participation: A new page in System > Beta now allows you to view available beta-version features and enable them. If you wish to enable a beta feature, please contact our support team for an activation key.
- Enhanced the stability of cost updates. - Improved auto HTTPS substitution in links. Now, if you have links like "spotify://" that already include "://", the tracker will not add "https://" automatically. - SI language has been added. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where an admin was unable to change a user's password. - Fixed a bug that allowed the creation of a user with higher permissions than permitted. - Fixed a bug where an admin was unable to create a new user. - Fixed a bug related to column permissions for users. - Fixed a bug where tags were not being cloned to a new campaign. - Fixed a bug with receiving a user's traffic source information via the API. - Fixed a bug where the LP Protect key did not work when opening a landing page via the test button.
Update 2.17.00 - 05.02.25
- Updated Permissions: After this update, admins will only see the users they have created. Please double-check that your admins can view all the users you intend for them to see in the Users tab. A user's permissions cannot exceed those of their admin. If you add a user with higher permissions than the admin, the admin's permissions will automatically be increased.
- Fonts Customization: Choose from several available fonts in the Settings > Appearance.
- Improved overall system stability. - Added two new groupings in reports: OS Version Minor and OS Version Major. - The tracker now adds a parameter value from Traffic Source settings only if a corresponding placeholder value is present. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug with ClickAPI on newly installed trackers. - Fixed a bug that prevented opening the tracker's page in a new tab. - Fixed a bug that prevented opening the report page via a link. - Fixed a bug with the display of offer names in Chromium-based browsers. - Fixed a bug with redirects when using LP Pixel. - Fixed a bug where deleted networks were visible in the filters on the Offers page. - Fixed a bug where the LP Protect key did not work when opening a landing page via the test button.
Update 2.16.05 - 23.01.25
- Optimized database resource usage on small servers to enhance performance and efficiency. - Users with Read & Write (R&W) permissions can now change a domain's index page. - Added the LP Views button to custom columns formulas. - Improved load calculations on the Monitor page.
- Fixed a bug where the names of affiliate networks were not displayed in offer names. - Fixed a bug where users with Read & Write (R&W) permissions were unable to edit domains. - Fixed a bug affecting the ROI calculation in statistics. - Fixed a bug related to cost updates to ensure costs are calculated and displayed correctly.
Update 2.16.04 - 27.12.24
- Fixed a bug that caused unexpected server load. - Fixed a bug that caused cost updates to get stucked.
Update 2.16.03 - 25.12.24
- Enhanced the handling of offer caps. Now, each click can only increment the offer cap by a maximum of +1. Additionally, improved sorting functionality for the "Conversion Cap" column.
- Fixed a bug related to the "URL contains" rule and criteria. - Fixed a bug that occurred during tracker updates. - Fixed a bug where certain clicks were associated with an unknown country. - Fixed a bug where changes in rules were not reflected in the User Logs.
Update 2.16.02 - 19.12.24
- Clean URL: The tracker now supports campaign URLs without Click and Key parameters.
Example: https://blog.com/how-to-make-money?token=value -
- Search by URL in Conversion Logs. - The status of autoclearings is now visible on the Monitor page. - Adspect tags are now displayed in the Clicklog tab. - Improved the select box functionality in the device database. - Enhanced cost summation in campaigns utilizing the CPA model and Auto Payout. - Values in custom columns with Time format are now rounded to the nearest minute and hour. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug with "Include empty referer" rule. - Fixed a bug with "!" symbol in passwords. - Fixed a bug where default columns could not be renamed using Cyrillic symbols. - Fixed a bug with the country name "Bonaire" in the system.
Update 2.16.01 - 05.12.24
- Significant improvements in the speed of cost updates when processing clicks in batches of fewer than 1000. - Added check boxes in the Domains tab. - You can now filter campaigns by clicking on the campaign count in the Domains tab. - Enhanced user column permission management when hiding Profit, Revenue, or Leads from a user. - Made small updates regarding UUID in the API documentation. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't specify a payout less than 1 in offers. - Fixed a bug that prevented users from changing the payout currency in offer settings. - Fixed a bug where the search for MagicChecker campaigns was absent. - Fixed a bug with the IP column in Clicklog. - Fixed a bug with cloning campaigns. - Fixed a bug where clicks in Clicklog might show wrong values in Event columns. - Fixed a bug where the tracker was unable to update. - Fixed a bug with ClickAPI and styles in integrated landings. - Fixed a bug where the user was unable to edit a campaign. - Fixed a bug where path_name was not displayed in ClickAPI. - Fixed a bug with hiding the Click ID column in Clicklog. - Fixed a bug with search by incorrect Click ID in Clicklog.
Update 2.16.00 - 19.11.24
- Conversion Cap: You can now set a conversion limit for your offers. (doc) - Campaigns Backup: Back up your tracker's settings and upload them to new, clean trackers. (doc) - Mark as Bot in Rules: Create rules that automatically mark clicks as bots. (doc) - Do Not Assign Costs for Bot Clicks: A new setting allows you to prevent costs from being assigned to bot clicks. (doc)
- Postback forwarding: You can now forward postbacks from v2 to v1. (doc) - URL customization transfer: Improved the transfer of URL customization settings when uploading settings from v1 to v2. - Enhanced column permission management. Now, some columns can also be hidden from the Clicklog and Conversions tabs. - New parameter added: is_bot=0|1. You can now specify directly in your traffic source link whether a click is from a bot. - New token added: {unixconversiontime} - Copy path option: Added the copy path option in the Files tab. - The /public/api/v1/campaign/{id} endpoint now includes tags in its response. - UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where the API response to campaign statistics requests was incorrect. - Fixed a bug where IPv6 was not displayed in reports. - Fixed a bug where editing a user's permissions also required changing the password.
Update 2.15.00 - 01.11.24
- Autoclearings: Now you can retain clicks on your server for a specified number of days to avoid running out of space. (doc) - Check if a Domain is on Google's Blacklist: You can now enter a Google API key in Settings > Integration, and the tracker will automatically check domains against Google’s blacklist. (doc) - Postback IP Whitelist: You can now configure a whitelist for your postbacks in Aff. networks tab. - Feedback Window: You can leave feedback and suggestions about our tracker in Settings > Feedback.
- Independent sorting in reports and statistics. - API requests to /public/api/v1/stats/landing and /public/api/v1/stats/offer now also provide URLs. - Various minor UX & UI improvements and fixes.
- Fixed an issue where data in Clicklog was displayed incorrectly when all campaigns were selected. - Fixed a bug affecting ClickAPI and domains under Cloudflare. - Fixed an issue where users couldn't see the Public API option in Settings. - Fixed a bug where uppercase letter searches were not working in Affiliate Network templates.
Update 2.14.01 - 11.10.24
- Enhanced cookie lifetime settings.
- Fixed a bug where the total for the cost column was missing.
Update 2.14.00 - 10.10.24
- Info Tab: You can now view additional information by clicking the Info button on the stats page.
- Fix On type of distibution improvements: Now you can add and delete landings and offers within your campaign without disrupting click fixation. - Domain root folder access: If you need to upload files to the root folder of your domain, you can request assistance from support, and they will create the required folder in your Files tab.
- Fixed a bug where redirect links in integrated landings used HTTP instead of HTTPS. - Fixed a bug where sorting for groups by days did not work correctly.
Update 2.13.05 - 02.10.24
- Improved free space display with additional volumes. - Improved sorting with groupings by hour of day, day, month, and day of the week.
- Fixed a bug with redirects in integrated landings. - Fixed a bug with outdated token values in S2S postbacks. - Fixed a bug with unnecessary symbols appearing on a domain's blank page. - Fixed a bug where marks were not applied correctly. - Fixed a bug where the tracker's password was not saved correctly. - Fixed a bug where the Adspect module stopped working after an update. - Fixed a bug with broken redirects when multiple campaigns were assigned to a single domain.
Update 2.13.04 - 11.09.24
- Public API improvements. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug preventing users from logging in with a new password. - Fixed a bug with "Access Denied" error that occurred when editing campaigns. - Fixed a bug with Append to landing's URL. - Fixed a bug where the {ip} token failed to send IPv6 addresses. - Fixed a bug where the "%20" symbol was not functioning correctly in the ClickAPI.
Update 2.13.03 - 26.08.24
- Fixed a bug where admin users could see "Access Denied" popup on successful login. - Fixed a bug where traffic could go through disabled landings in Rotation. - Fixed a bug where Trends page did not work with specific columns.
Update 2.13.01 - 16.08.24
- Internal improvements. - Added tokens {campaign_group_name} and {campaign_group_id}. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where changing weights on elements in rotation reset the fixed Path-Landing-Offer bind. - Fixed a bug where clicks in Clicklog started to go missing when selecting filters. - Fixed a bug where the campaign owner was not assigned automatically. - Fixed a bug with deleting clicks. - Fixed a bug with editing columns in Clicklog. - Fixed a bug where 'append to URL' value was not saved while cloning a campaign. - Fixed a bug where a user could see campaigns to which they did not have access in the Conversion tab. - Fixed a bug where the Lander ID column was absent in Clicklog.
Update 2.12.01 - 01.08.24
- Unique Period Setting: Now you can choose the amount of time after which any subsequent click will be considered unique. - Added setting for CORS: Available in Settings > Public API. - For the token 'lp_key', a synonym 'lpkey' has been added. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where marks in the report were not saving correctly. - Fixed a bug where the search in the Campaigns tab was not working properly. - Fixed a bug with sorting in the Conversions tab. - Fixed a bug where not all rows in reports were shown. - Fixed a bug where the IDs of elements after migration from v1 to v2 were mixed up.
Update 2.12.00 - 18.07.24
- Integration with ClickBank: Now you can track conversions from ClickBank in Binom. Go to Settings > Integration.
- Optimized the loading of heavy reports containing hundreds of millions of clicks. - Internal webserver settings improvements. - For tokens
, synonymsevent_1
are now added. -
- Fixed a bug where selecting all groups in the Trends tab did not select statistics without a group. - Fixed a bug where reloading the login page caused an error. - Fixed a bug where you could create several entities at once. - Fixed a bug where a user could see the Index column in the Domains tab. - Fixed a bug with domain's main page as a campaign.
Update 2.11.00 - 11.07.24
- Append to URL in Campaign Settings: Now you can add a custom set of symbols or tokens, unique to each campaign, to your campaign, landing, and offer links. Go to Advanced Settings in the campaign settings. - Assign Campaign to Domain: Customize the main page of any of your domains and set any campaign as the domain's main page. Go to the Domains tab and set up a main page via a dropdown menu in the index column.
- Tags System UX. - Campaign Owner Assigned Automatically: Now assigned at the moment of campaign creation. - Improvements in Internal Settings and Updates System. - Small Improvements in API. - User logs are now available via API. - Migration of Integrated Landings from v1 to v2. - Several UX & UI Improvements.
- Fixed a bug where the LP Key wasn't passed in the offer link. - Fixed a bug where a user was unable to save a campaign. - Fixed a bug where a user was unable to open a report by offers. - Fixed a bug where a user saw different statistics in different tabs of the tracker. - Fixed a bug where reloading the login page caused an error.
Update 2.10.02 - 27.06.24
- Fixed a bug affecting the functionality of click uniqueness.
Update 2.10.01 - 25.06.24
- Users Tab in Campaign Settings: Now, super-admins and admins can change campaign permissions directly within the campaign.
- Improved Stability of Geo Module.
- Fixed a bug where MagicChecker was not detecting bots. - Fixed a bug with the functionality of rules by uniqueness. - Fixed a bug with editing criteria Is Not Bot. - Fixed a bug with being unable to load Adspect account. - Fixed a bug where load and space bars were not being displayed in the Monitor tab.
Update 2.10.00 - 20.06.24
- Tags System: Now, you can attach tags to and search by tags for your Campaigns, Offers, Landers, Rotations, Affiliate Networks, and Traffic Sources. A new "Tags" column has also been added. Tags can be created by a super admin and are available for use by all users of the tracker. - Integration with Adspect: Now you can activate Adspect module in your Campaign's settings. If you're new to Adspect, you can use the promo code 'Binom' for a 15% discount. - Campaign Owner: Specify a single owner in the campaign's settings and use tokens {owner_id} or {owner_name} in your landing or offer links. - Permissions for groups: Manage user permissions for Campaign, Landing, Offer, and Rotation groups.
- Cost update and clicks delete queues are now processed significantly faster. - Added an option to change the default redirect from 307 to another type upon request to support. - Added support for {status} and {status2} tokens. - Improved handling of internal errors logging. - Few several improvements to the API. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where the affiliate network wasn't added during bulk offer import. - Fixed a bug with incorrect display of start time for background tasks in the Monitor tab. - Fixed a bug where Clicklog with filters for hundreds of campaigns was not working correctly. - Fixed a bug where an event's value was truncated in S2S postbacks. - Fixed a bug with Cyrillic letters in downloaded CSV files. - Fixed a bug with settings import from v1. - Fixed a bug where drilldown by hour of day was not working. - Fixed a bug where the test button created new clicks.
Update 2.09.00 - 23.05.24
- Search by Domain in Campaigns Tab: You can now search by campaign's domain in the search field on the Campaigns tab. - Leads Button in Reports: View all leads directly from the report.
- Improved Domain Deletion Handling: If you delete a domain that is used in campaigns, you'll have the option to automatically change it to another domain in those campaigns. - Internal Distribution Core Improvements. - Added GET Value Criteria in Rules. - Several UX & UI Improvements.
- Fixed a bug where an incorrect number of leads were displayed. - Fixed a bug where the LP live time setting was reset to default after a tracker update. - Fixed a bug with the Click API and tokens. - Fixed a bug with notes in campaigns being deleted after changing the campaign's group. - Fixed a bug where statistics in Clicklog were not updated after changing time presets.
Update 2.08.04 - 08.05.24
- Fixed a bug causing a gateway timeout error when editing rotations in trackers with large numbers of campaigns and clicks.
Update 2.08.03 - 07.05.24
- MD5 Encrypting for Tokens: You can now add "_md5" to any token, and the tracker will encrypt it.
- Added new grouping option when generating reports for multiple elements: "groups". - Added an "externalid" token in the Landings and Offers modal windows. - Added the ability to select multiple marks in the filters for reports. - Added the ability to specify IPv6 in rule criteria. - Added support for "payout=auto" in conversions update.
- Fixed a bug with gateway timeout error when editing rotations. - Fixed a bug where marks were not being saved. - Fixed a bug with the calculation of totals in custom columns. - Fixed a bug with URL customization and LP Pixel. - Fixed a bug with settings import from version 1. - Fixed a bug where the rate of currency was not found. - Fixed a bug causing the expand field button to delete text in that field. - Fixed a bug with exporting to the clipboard. - Fixed a bug where a campaign could not be saved if it only included criteria for "empty" and "unknown." - Fixed a bug with scaling in the Monitor tab.
Update 2.08.02 - 30.04.24
- Fixed a bug related to unexpected behavior of unique clicks.
Update 2.08.01 - 24.04.24
- New mode: "Only Parent" in campaigns as offer.
- Optimized saving of conversion logs. - Added payout display in the Offers tab. - Improved offers display and filtering in the Conversions tab. - Campaigns as offers can now be paused directly from reports. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug with double refresh in reports. - Fixed a bug with marks and empty values in reports. - Fixed a bug where sorting was not working in modal windows for adding landings and offers in campaign settings. - Fixed a bug where the scroll position stayed at the end of the page after clicking on the next page in pagination.
Update 2.08.00 - 04.04.24
- Campaign as an offer. Traffic can now be redirected from one campaign to another.
- Improved work with integrated landings. Paths of integrated landings can now be edited, and folders of integrated landings in the Files tab can now be renamed or deleted. - Added search by URL or folder (for integrated landings) in the Offers and Landings tabs' search bar. - Improved the amount of campaign in one report. Now you can include up to 1000 campaigns in a single report. - Several UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where the feature to automatically assign an offer upon the first click was malfunctioning. - Fixed a bug that caused clearing processes to remain paused for an extended period. - Fixed a bug where clicks were being directed to elements that were set to pause or deleted. - Fixed a bug with sorting within custom columns. - Fixed a bug with Direct landing being counted as an active landing in stats. - Fixed a bug where applying search filters on the stats page resulted in all numbers displaying as zeroes. - Fixed a bug with applying several marks in filters.
Update 2.07.00 - 14.03.24
- Pause in reports. Now, you can pause elements of your campaign directly from the reports.
- Improved handling of conversion logs. The tracker now stores the log of conversions for the last month only, and all other logs are automatically cleared. - The font in statistics changed to monospaced. - Improved synchronization in Affiliate networks and Traffic Sources templates. - Several small UX & UI improvements.
- Fixed a bug where, after applying a filter, users started to see campaigns without clicks. - Fixed a bug where a user could see campaigns access to which was not granted. - Fixed a bug where the user was unable to save rotation. - Fixed a bug where the tracker could incorrectly save the amount of conversions for one clickID. - Fixed a bug where a user was not able to edit a campaign. - Fixed a bug with fast typing in the search bar. - Fixed a bug with unifying country codes in rules and in offer setup. - Fixed a bug where the changelog didn't show changes from all previous versions.
Update 2.06.07 - 20.02.24
- Templates of affiliate networks and traffic sources were updated.
- Fixed a bug where direct URLs in offers were incorrectly marked as deleted in reports. - Fixed a bug where criteria couldn't be deleted in rules. - Fixed a bug where the names of elements changed to '0'. - Fixed a bug with the API and the parameter status=with_traffic. - Fixed a bug where Chrome browser for Windows displayed unexpected scrollbars. - Fixed a bug where the tracker failed to remove leading and trailing spaces from the landing URL.
Update 2.06.06 - 14.02.24
- Added functionality allowing you to view paused and deleted elements in reports. - Improved functionality for drilldown analysis. - Added the ability to search by element ID when adding landings or offers to campaign setup. - Minor improvements to API documentation and responses. - Added a new endpoint public/api/campaign/short/info to retrieve the ID, Name, Key, and Link of active campaigns.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from seeing all offers. - Fixed a bug that caused the tracker to open pages slowly due to a large number of integrated landings. - Fixed a bug where a user with access to an element could see all clicks on that element in reports, regardless of campaign access. - Fixed a bug with CPA costs and conversion status postbacks.
Update 2.06.05 - 01.02.24
- Filter by date in Clicklog now works with operators =, >, <. - Minor API documentation improvements. - The ID of an element now shows at the beginning of the text in the browser tab.
- Fixed a bug where statistics were not showing properly when the tracker had an extremely high amount of elements. - Fixed a bug where traffic sources and affiliate networks created by a user were not displayed to this user. - Fixed a bug with filters by activity in Trends not working properly.
Update 2.06.04 - 24.01.24
- Fixed a bug where a user with access to an element could see all clicks on that element in statistics, regardless of campaign access. - Fixed a bug that prevented editing files due to their large size. - Fixed a bug with the decreasing cost of clicks over time.
Update 2.06.03 - 18.01.24
- Now the affiliate network of the offer displays in the campaign's rotation setup and in reports. - Updated the status icons for the costs and clicks deletion queue.
- Fixed a bug with the rule by country where the country was not correctly detected. - Fixed a bug where not all clicks were displayed in the Clicklog tab. - Fixed a bug with obtaining stats by API requests. - Fixed a bug with sorting in tables not working properly. - Fixed a bug with languages in rules in IETF format not being processed correctly. - Fixed a bug with settings import from v1 to v2. - Fixed a bug with the {landing_id} token not being changed.
Update 2.06.02 - 25.12.23
- Adaptive Layout: Now you can control your tracker via a mobile browser. - Multiple Campaign Clearings: You can now set up click deletions in several campaigns simultaneously.
- Various UI and UX enhancements. - Added extra methods for retrieving postbacks: HEAD and POST.
- Fixed a bug that affected the display of the correct number of conversions. - Fixed a bug in saving postback processing schemas. - Fixed a bug in processing postbacks via postback processing rules. - Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new notes. - Fixed a bug with incorrect sorting in columns. - Fixed a bug that hindered viewing elements on the Offers page.
Update 2.06.01 - 11.12.23
- New timeframes: last 30 days, last week. - Improved logic for warnings about remaining free space on the server. - Added search functionality using 2-letter country codes. - Small UI and UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug that caused errors when trying to return to the previous page of the tracker using the back button in the browser. - Fixed a bug causing changes in costs over time. - Fixed a bug that displayed empty values as offers in reports. - Fixed a bug showing unknown IDs in the user actions log. - Fixed a bug where sorting of custom columns did not work. - Fixed a bug where a second postback reset the payout. - Fixed a bug causing database errors in reports. - Fixed a bug preventing users from importing offers. - Fixed a bug that prevented creating a rule with an empty or unknown value.
Update 2.06.00 - 04.12.23
- Update Costs & Clicks Deleting Queues: You can now queue several processes to execute consecutively. - Mass Edit: Edit multiple campaigns, landings, or offers simultaneously. - Remember Groups and Timeframes: In Settings --> Stats, there's now an option to save your groupings and timeframes when loading reports for different elements.
- Increased speed for updating costs and clicks deletion processes. - In report filters, you can now also use token markers. - New operators "contains" and "not contains" in Clicklog filters. - New operators "in" and "not in" in report filters. - When applying filters in the Clicklog or Conversions tabs, you can now change the number of rows displayed on the page. - Added the ability to use PHP sockets for integrated landings. - Added response 200 on every postback. - UI and UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug affecting postback processing rules' activation priority. - Fixed a bug preventing the opening of a landing page with the test button. - Fixed a bug causing costs to zero out after a postback. - Fixed a bug where a user could see another user's campaigns. - Fixed a bug with IP detection in ClickAPI. - Fixed a bug with payout values rounding in postbacks. - Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the number of landings in the Landings column.
Update 2.05.02 - 14.11.23
- API for CORS whitelist. - Changed the position of external id and cost tokens in the campaign link.
- Fixed a bug causing broken campaign links after the update. - Fixed a bug resulting in incorrect functioning of rules in campaigns. - Fixed a bug where the Affiliate Network was not being assigned to clicks. - Fixed a bug where updating costs did not work. - Fixed a bug where tokens were not inserted in an offer link. - Minor error fixes in API documentation.
Update 2.05.01 - 02.11.23
- Fixed a bug where the IP request was working without an API key. - Fixed a bug where updating conversion payouts did not update the click. - Fixed a bug in the MagicChecker setup. - Fixed a bug with marks in the report. - Fixed a bug with LP Pixel.
Update 2.05.00 - 31.10.23
- Click API: With the Click API, you can program your landings to retrieve all click data from the tracker. - Conversion Pixel: A JS code that automatically sends conversions to your tracker.
- Added new currency: EGP. - Added IP column in user logs. - Minor UI & UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug that prevented creating a custom column. - Fixed a bug that prevented previewing a landing from the report. - Fixed a bug where a user couldn't load a campaign's report. - Fixed a bug with slow token updates during redirects. - Fixed a bug with incorrect stats sum in reports. - Fixed several bugs related to migration from v1 to v2. - Fixed minor UI & UX bugs.
Update 2.04.00 - 12.10.23
- LP pixel.
- Added support for system tokens: traffic_source_name, affiliate_network_name, path_name, landing_id, offer_name. - Added 'Disable upsell' checkbox in update conversions. - Added 'Disable postback' checkbox in update conversions. - Added support for the "&disable_upsell=1" parameter. - Added HTTP code column in conversion logs. - Minor UI & UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug with login page customization. - Fixed a bug with postback conversion status overwrite. - Fixed a bug with geo detection. - Fixed a bug with user agent special characters. - Fixed a bug with names and dates display in Clicklog and Conversions. - Fixed several bugs with filters in statistics. - Fixed minor UI & UX bugs.
Update 2.03.00 - 21.09.23
- Enabled 'Assign offer at first click' option by default (only for new installs). - Improved device detection with client hints for Chrome 115. - Added a warning about downtime during the update. - Minor UI & UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug with email setup. - Fixed a bug with pagination in Clicklog. - Fixed a bug with drilldown. - Fixed a bug with settings import from v1. - Fixed a bug with being unable to set payout to 0 in offer. - Fixed a bug with total calculation for custom columns. - Fixed a bug with “%” sign in custom column name. - Fixed a bug with column sorting. - Fixed a bug with incorrect stats in Users tab. - Fixed a bug with grouping in reports. - Fixed a bug with bots column in report. - Fixed a bug with 1970 appearing as year in conversion time. - Fixed a bug with users being unable to see tracker’s version. - Fixed a bug with duplicated values in URL customization tab. - Fixed minor UI & UX bugs.
Update 2.02.00 - 22.08.23
- Migration from v1 to v2: You can now import your settings from Binom v1 to v2. Note that entities not yet present in the new version will not be migrated. - New setting: Offer Assignment. You can now choose when to assign an offer to your click: either when it reaches your landing page or when it goes to your offer page. - Added a new files permission option for Users and Admins.
- Improvements in server resource consumption (ROM, RAM) during clicks deletion. - Improvements in server resource consumption (ROM, RAM) during cost updates. - Minor UI & UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug with MagicChecker's campaign integration. - Fixed a bug with token duplication in reports. - Fixed a bug with the new clicks display in the Clicklog tab. - Fixed a bug with click deletion in the Clicklog tab. - Fixed minor UI & UX bugs.
Update 2.01.00 - 22.08.23
- Files tab: You can now upload/download files to/from your server and edit integrated landings.
- Significantly improved response time for the Clicklog and Conversions tabs, as well as for API requests to these tabs. - Added pagination to the Clicklog and Conversions tabs. - Added a cost parameter to actions in the postback processing scheme. - Design and UX improvements.
- Fixed a bug with domain in affiliate networks template. - Fixed a bug with an error message occuring after an update. - Fixed a bug with deleting clicks by date interval.
Update 2.00.39 - 07.08.23
- Token CID changed to BCID. - Optimized engine for click processing. - Export to clipboard now copies only selected rows. - Added double-click functionality in Trends. - Search by clickid in Clicklog and Conversions is now faster. - Conversion log is now available only for super admin. - Minor user interface improvements.
- Fixed bug with &disable_postback=1 and cost in CPA model. - Fixed bug with client hints. - Fixed several bugs with URL customization. - Fixed bug with login after installation. - Fixed bug with user domain permissions. - Fixed bug with ROI and cost colorization in total. - Fixed bug with rotations routing. - Fixed bug with logging postbacks. - Fixed bug with {cnv_status} token.
Update 2.00.38 - 24.07.23
- Introduced postback processing rules in Settings. - Added charts in Trends.
- Added ISP, organization, and connection type to shortcuts in report. - Search functionality now activates starting from 2 characters. - Implemented improvements in pagination. - Optimized engine for click deletions. - Made minor design improvements.
- Fixed bug with changing the tracker's time zone. - Fixed bug with user campaign cloning. - Fixed bug with permissions issue in Conversions. - Fixed bug with with the day of the week grouping. - Fixed bug with pictures in notes. - Fixed bug with the MagicChecker super filter. - Fixed bug with unique campaign keys. - Deleted elements are no longer visible in User's permissions. - Totals for offers, landers, paths and rules are now hidden. - Fixed bug with reports in Users tab.
Update 1.17.1 - 22.08.23
- Ability to work with coockies in Facebook accounts
- Detecting client hints
- Added currency KES (Kenyan Shilling)
Update 1.17 - 19.04.22
- Integration with Google Ads (doc)
- Columns drag-n-drop
- Offer's auto optimisation (beta) (doc)
- Tags and whitelist support in Adspect
- Disable Postbacks option in Conversions
- Status-postback relation
- Append to offer's url
- Webview detection
- Device detection improvements
- IPv6 support in Binom Protection (beta)
Update 1.16 - 28.09.21
- Multiuser permissions for Facebook accounts and Proxies
- Hide/Delete Facebook comments
- New cost model - Аuto CPA
- Adspect integration
- Drag-n-drop for rules/paths/landings/offers
- Sequential number for offers in multi offer landings
- New currencies
- Improved compatibility with PHP7.4
- Improved stability of Facebook integration
- Fixed "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" duplication in JS-Protection
- Users accesses for campaign name display in Domains tab
- Known bugs fixes
Update 1.15.1 - 22.04.21
- Improved device database
Update 1.15 - 01.04.21
- Night theme
- New device database
- Integration with Facebook (doc)
- Cloaker for Facebook (beta)
- JS Cloaker (doc)
- New currencies and Bitcoin
- New type of Total Scheme
- Notes for Rotations
- Copy of Campaign's Path
- Bots column
- Campaign's Postback% mass edit
- Mass collapse/expand groupings in report
- Now you can use regular expressions, campaign key, landing page or offer page url in serach bar
- EA & Uniq. Clicks (campaign) in custom tables
- Improved Landers Grabber algorithms
- Improved adaptive layout
- Improved .csv format for exporting reports and conversion logs
- Integrated landing files copy
- Conversion logs optimization
- Known bugs fixes
Update 1.14 - 01.03.20
- Multithreading algorithms, increased speed and stability
- Deeper Integration with traffic sources
- Grab Landers - Landing copy feature (doc)
- SFTP Landing Editor
- Automated clearings (doc)
- GEO filter on the Offers tab
- Language filter on the Landers tab
- New notes: Aff.Networks and Traffic Sources
- New traffic distribution rules: crawler and headers
- CSV download for conversion logs
- Time zone option in general stats
- MagicChecker key automated check
- Rules in ClickLog
- Postback to Traffic Source for any conversion changes
- Keyboard shortcut disabling option in Settings
- Improved language recognition
- Improved tracker’s update system
- Improved integrated landings algorithms
- New self-diagnostic feature, improved stability
- New columns for the number of nested elements of Paths, Rules, Landers, Offers
- New tokens: {cnv_currency}, {path_num}, {lander_num}, {offer_num}
- API: Monitor and Trends
- Improved SSL verification
- Accelerated Custom Time general statistics uploading
- Responsive design improvements
- S2S postback percentage adjust on Campaign level
- Selected report lines copy to clipboard
- Click uniqueness for unlimited time
- Click uniqueness setup by any Header (IP, User-Agent, User-Agent + IP, etc.)
- Click API: Integrated and Multi-offer landings
- Error output in Monitor page
- Upsell disable option for manual conversion updates
- New Triggers condition: Offer - Payout Shift - Same
- Ability to send a postback with event/lp_token by clickid
- Token Update cost from the context menu
- Automatic campaign domain selection during metarefresh
- Special characters in password
- Simultaneous reports in different tabs
- Spontaneous statistics reload
- Correct Campaign costs with postback percentage in CPA model
Update 1.13 - 01.04.19
- Responsive design
- Charts with unlimited rows
- Comparison between today's and yesterday's stats in one graph
- Reports without page reloading
- Custom Time stats now load faster
- Multi-currency for manual costs update (doc)
- Notes for Affiliate networks and Traffic sources
- Clear button in the search bar
- Tokens in the offer/lander can be replaced by select {placeholder} and click on the token
- Copy and paste all rules
- Minimized rules stay minimized in the campaign edit menu
- GDPR disabling for selected campaigns
- MD5 encoding for tokens
- GET-parameters passing from click URL to offer
- Language detection improvement
- Improving update mechanism
- New self-diagnostics mechanisms for the tracker
- Overall stability improvement
- Geolocation database update
- Proxy and crawlers detection
- States/regions detection
- SSL check for domains
- Domains management for additional users
- Domain deleting improvement
- Click API (doc)
- ClickBank integration (beta)
- MagicChecker integration (doc)
- Inbound/outbound conversions log (doc)
- Authorization log
- S2S postback percentage adjusting
- Option to send only approved leads in a traffic source
- Deleting of conversions and clicks
- Incoming postbacks filter by IP
- New tokens for LP/offer: {user_name}, {region}, {region_code}, {offer_name}
- New token {clickcost} for CPA campaigns postback
- Sorting by two columns
- API authorization restriction
- Multiple conditions for single trigger
- New action for offers in triggers: Unpause/Re-activate
- New conditions for offers in triggers: Payout change, Domain ban check -
- Update costs error with PHP7+
- Clearings for the Trends tab
- Fatal error in reports
- Incorrect traffic distribution between offers within parent/child campaigns
- Error on the Conversion page
- Incorrect Click ID in the Clicklog
- Eror while searching in the reports
- Incorrect payout within subscription status scheme
- Error with rotation changing in the cloned campaigns
Update 1.12 - 10.12.18
- Triggers system (doc)
- Notifications system (doc)
- Report’s visualization (doc)
- Certain percent of conversions sending to Traffic Source (doc)
- Pause/Start of Offers and Landings from the report (doc)
- Update of Statuses and Events through Update conversions (doc)
- Statistics and Reports without page reload
- Colorization for campaign names (doc)
- Colorization of table cells (doc)
- Domain change for group of offers (doc)
- Ability to customize: arm.php, uclick
- Improved domains check for Google ban
- Landings and Offers preview in reports (doc)
- Conversion time display in Clicklog
- Added tokens: {device_type}, {real_domain}
- New traffic distribution algorithms
- Improved database stability
- Improved Integrated Lands processing
- LP Tokens clear during campaign full cleanup
- Ability to customize response to Conversions
- Click’s record settings in multicampaign funnels (child/parent/both)
- &to_offer parameter in Postback URL
- Fixed timeframe in Clicklog
- Fixed token’s marking symbols /, \, '
- Fixed clearing-related event errors in MySQL logs
- Fixed E.ROI formula
- Fixed long response in disabled device detection
Update 1.11.1 (GDPR) - 08.08.18
- Clean URLs / Voluum-compatible campaign links (doc)
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) support (doc)
- Authorization errors
- Traffic sources templates load
- Aff. Networks templates load
- Event save for postback with status
- LP Pixel code
- Import from Voluum
Update 1.11 - 03.07.18
- Notes 2.0 (doc)
- Ability to add lists of values in report filters
- Campaigns group editing (doc)
- Updated settings interface, standard domain for Meta refresh setup (doc)
- QR code for Binom Mobile app authorization - New geo databases, IPv6 support, rule on IPv4/IPv6
- Sum values of the custom columns
- Google block domains check (doc)
- Additional API for ClickID
- Fixed rotation (Fix on Paths, Fix on Paths & LPs, Fix on Paths & LPs & Offers)
- Traffic source update in real time
Update 1.10 - 24.04.18
- Offers CAP (doc)
- New LP Pixel algorithms (doc)
- Smart-meta-refresh (doc)
- Domain selection for meta-refresh (doc)
- Multicurrency
- Traffic distribution by direct domain link (doc)
- Fake "404" and "Blank page" by direct domain link (doc)
- New improved API v2.0
- Marks tokens by API
- Context menu
- Landings and offers edit from report
- Update Cost from campaigns list
- Ability to change campaign from report page
- Ability to change campaign from edit page
- Updated CSV, TXT, Clipboard export
- Intraday trends by hour
- New charts in trends
- New update system
- Password recovery functions
- Two-factor authentication (doc)
- New calendar for time intervals
- Copying rules within a campaign
- New tokens: {campaign_name}, {event1} - {event10}
- Improved kernel stability
- Regular expression in statistics elements search
- Test campaign link
- New traffic sources templates: Traffic Factory, Facebook
- New cleaning algorithms (doc)
- "Brute force" protection (doc)
- Improved filters in reports
- Saving statistics filters individually for each page
- New timeframes "Last 2 Days" and "Last 3 Days"
- New filter "With traffic"
- Ability to open users report
- Report sorting by group of campaigns
- Improved postback to traffic source and S2S postback, the ability to use any tokens (doc)
- Improved groups tab interface (doc)
- Improved domains tab interface (doc)
Update 1.9 - 21.12.17
- Redesigned statistics and reporting systems
- Improved speed of report generating
- The possibility to create/edit/delete columns in reports and statistics, including custom formulas (doc)
- Event system (doc)
- E-commerce and Subscription schemes (doc)
- Redesigned clearing system
- Redesigned update costs function
- Redesigned update costs function (doc)
- Server info at the Monitor page (you may need to install additional script - doc)
- Current errors display
- Tracker's load monitor
- Traffic peaks monitor
- Redesigned tracker's engine
- Improved overall performance
- Decreased database volume
- The possibility to use integrated PHP-landings
- Extended list of tokens for landing/offer
- Added timestamp for token marks in reports
- New 1-click installer (doc)
- The possibility to add SSL for new domains
Update 1.8 - 30.04.17
- Smart Filters in reports
- CPA model
- Import from Voluum (doc)
- New multi-users system (doc)
- New tracker settings system
- Customization of tracker links (doc)
- Customization of tracker login link
- Group work with landings and offers (doc и doc)
- Clicklog output in CSV
- Rotation reports
- Criteria by tokens in rotations
- Criteria by source in rotations
- Regular expressions in the criteria (doc)
- Ability to use comparison operators in criteria (">","<","=")
- New token {binom_user_id}
- Tokens output by name {tName:...}
- Source name token
Update 1.7 - 24.02.17
- Flows system (doc)
- Uptime and speed of click processing monitoring system with SMS-informing
- Affiliate Networks Catalog
- Grouping templates in reports
- New algorithms for determining the language, format changed to en-En
- QR code for linking to landings
- New criterias: by GET parameters and by matching with URL
- Ability to configure standard values "Hide referrer"
- Receiving postback via "POST" parameters
- Added the "set_bid" parameter (&set_bid=x) in the campaign URL, for force cost installation to a particular click
- Traffic Uniqueness Report
- Displaying the uniqueness of a click in "Clicklog"
- The CSV output format is improved for compatibility with Excel
- Reports acceleration on "LP Token" parameter
- Tracker peak loads display for last 24 hours
- Opening the "Drilldown" by double-clicking
- Change the time frame in reports without clicking "Apply"
Update 1.6 - 23.12.16
- New design of traffic distribution
- Paths in rules
- Ruler priority
- Editing offers/lands from the distribution interface (doc)
- Ability to change names of paths/rules
- Integrated Lands (doc)
- Clicklog with ability to search for clicks by parameters
- Status-payout relationship in aff. Network conversions
- Modal windows instead of alerts
- Sending information from lands in special (doc)
- Tracking exit points from land (doc)
- FB Prefitch FIX
- Token {language} in offers/lands
- Tokens in s2s Postback (doc)
- Drilldown report
- Traffic peaks output in monitor
- Conversion Status Report
- CPC Report
- Setting for use_x_forwarded_for (in the configuration file of the tracker)
- Vertical lines in tables
- Shades of green and red (according to ROI) in a colorized table
- Parameter Status2, which duplicates the basic status of the conversion with ability of creating reports on them
- At the end of the license you have 7 days in order to renew subscription, then access to the tracker closing, but redirects are continue to work
Update 1.5 - 7.11.16
- Anti-Spy module
- New version of report generation: time zone selection and instant download in custom date/time, solved a number of problems with heavy reports, compatibility with different versions of MySQL, parallel loading of reports, etc.
- Convenient copy of the campaign URL
- Hot keys (doc)
- Conversion Pixel (doc)
- Landings protection from direct entering (doc)
- Multiple choice of offers and landings in windows (campaign settings)
- Link for test in landings/offers editing windows
- Sorting tables (if possible) without reloading the page
- ID output in the list of lands, offers, campaigns
- CSV and TXT without saving the file on server
- In Conversion’s section offers grouping need to search in the selection
- Aff. Network to the left from the name in the campaign settings and in reports
- Don’t re-login users
- Output date+time, date, time in all notes
- Makes Save button inactive if there were no changes in the campaign
- Interface
- Error Handler in Reports and in the Traffic Distribution System
Update 1.4 - 06.10.16
- Reduced response time in 2-3 times
- Trends section: Statistics by days/weeks/months for all campaigns/groups/sources
- LP Pixel: The ability to pour traffic directly on Landing
- Batch addition of offers and landings
- Update of geo/ISP databases
- Update of device databases
- Added city tracking
- Redirection rule for cities
- Token {city}
- Ability to create a source from the campaign settings
- Notes to the offers and landings
- Group removal of landings and offers
- Import/export of all settings (without clicks) for transferring the tracker from one server to another
- Grouping by users in all sections
- Search in reports by time interval: 00:00-14:00
- In the campaign settings added the Append to URL item
- Reorganized top menu
- Changes in the design: windows, fonts, scrolls
- Lock the window with Update costs
- Memorization of groupings in reports (and turn off option in settings)
- Algorithm that restoring procedures and events
- Sorting drop-down lists by name
Update 1.3 - 14.09.16
- Marking publishers, filter by markup (including API)
- Pause and delete status in reports for offers/lands/paths/rules
- API: Adding, editing, deleting, restoring of offers/lands
- Clickadu source template was added
- Conversion statuses
- Settings: Set the decimal places for the statistics columns
- Filter by entering a string in the filters by name
- Send S2S Postback for any conversion in the campaign settings (even if there is no externalid from the source) and support {clickid} token
- When you press .txt button with two groupings, it automatically adds all Names
- Notification to user that the license is expiring (in Monitor)
- Link to changelog in the Monitor section
- Blogging the update cost function by tokens
Update 1.21 - 06.09.16
- Fixed clicks_info is full error-message
- Fixed problems with new user creating
- Fixed extra "(deleted)" note in lines Default and Rules in reports
- Fixed filters that was not saved in reports
Update 1.2 - 03.09.16
- Users: Additional users with access rights and statistics
- Subtraction of the line from the final line of the report when clicking on it
- Token {domain} with output of the tracking campaign domain
- Token {referer} on lands/offers
- Customization of the statistics table display: white, colorized, zebra
- Ability to add your own parameters to the URL of the landing in each campaign separately
- Overwrite payout conversion when adding manually
- Ability to filter by name in the statistics filters
- Opening sub-menus in campaign reports by clicking instead of pointing
- Replacing commas with periods when manually updating conversions
- Configuring the Postback URL in Aff. Network and showing it when adding/editing offer
- Time output between click and lead in hours, minutes, seconds
- Replaced Smart Rotation from advanced settings
- Added filters by name
- In redirect by language added a tick Unknown for the redirection of undefined languages
- Improved response time
- Marking of deleted/stopped paths and rules
Update 1.1 - 17.08.16
- Update costs by API
- Filters in reports via API
- Reduced response time to 10ms and load on dedicated servers
- Increase speed in Update costs
- System of automatic statistics editing
- Improved compatibility with MySQL 5.6
Update 1.0 Release - 02.08.16
- Accelerated reports generation, especially heavy ones
- CPM in campaign settings, divides the value in cost token by 1000. Applicable for Exoclick
- Update billing panel to purchase multiple licenses and plug-ins in one account
- Updates in documentation
Update 0.991 RC - 27.07.16
- Update costs function accelerated 50 times
- Traffic distribution by paths/lends/offers on the basis of uniqueness/conversion of a click on them
- Preset for Traffic Sources
- Multi-affinity on lands
- Percentage of traffic loss in the source and individually in the campaign
- .txt button in reports with a copy of Name column from report
- Transmission to the land of an encrypted timestamp (token {htime})
- Parameter &exit=1 в Click URL'e, which does not effect on LP CTR
- Trackers duplicating algorithm based on transmission of GET parameters to land
- Hints in the interface
- Buttons for tokens adding
- Background reset function for statistics by days
- Optimization of database memory usage
- To the campaign title added TS title
- Advanced settings in the campaign settings
Update 0.990 - 12.07.16
- Improved the interface of the redirect criteria selection window
- Filters system in reports
- Redirect by time
- Redirect by click uniqueness: for all traffic or for one campaign
- Ability to choose exact match in the criteria
- New kind of clickid
- Increased number of decimal places in CR
- Compatible with MySQL 5.66
- Ability to delete groups to which campaigns, offers and landmarks are assigned
- Forced shutdown of "strict" MySQL mode
- Current CPC in the campaign table
- Compatible with MariaDB
Update 0.989 - 23.06.16
- Correct work of changes in Domains
- Leads in the campaign statistics
- Ability to configure s2s Postback individually for each campaign
- Added Monitor page, implemented internal error monitoring
- Group removal and purging for campaigns
- Redirect by Device type
- Optimization of requests for information output by last hour, now main reports don’t load database at all
- Time between clicks and conversions on the Conversions page and in Leads in reports
- Conversions in campaign reports
- Made a replacement of {clickid} in direct url so conversions to count
- Made a {time} token for the timestamp display on land
- Removed Hello, % username% and name customization
- Output of the traffic source and campaign in the conversion table
- Optimized conversion report request
- When redirecting to another campaign, we do not count the traffic consumption in the campaign, from which there was a transfer
Update 0.988 - 24.05.16
- Reports by sources
- Report by campaigns group
- Token {user_agent} on landing
- Cookies Cookies
- List of conversions for a particular campaign on the conversion page
- General stabilization of the system, reduced response time by additional 20%! Now on decks with SSD-disk it is 11-13ms on any load
Update 0.987 - 16.05.16
- Name editing in settings
- ЗProhibition of indexing by search engines
- Stabilization of the new structure
- Icons for campaigns with notes
Update 0.986 - 11.05.16
- Database optimization: load reduced, amount of tables reduced in 2 times, database volume reduced on 40%
- Clicks and conversions update accelerated in 20 times
- Search in campaign statistics
- Upsell: add value to conversion
- API for statistics output
- csv-files randomization
- Global when choosing offers geo
- Ability to disable device and geo detection in campaign
- Display tracker’s domain, path and rule on land
- Customer survey system
- UR (Pakistan) in languages list
Update 0.984 - 27.04.16
- Multi-domain
- Daily statistics in campaign report
- PHP error processer
- CSV file names randomization
- Notification when exit without saving
- Temp_report --> myisam
- Internal procedures optimization, inquiries to internal DB reduced 2 times
Update 0.983 - 19.04.16
- New Installer
- Buttons icons
- Update costs: selection of Costs/CPC
- Update costs: Time zone
- Update costs: Import from CSV
- Update costs: Automatic substitution of current timeframe report
- Separated custom timeframe for date and time
- Redirection over IP-bands (both forms of recording)
- Default grouping in reports: Path-Offer-Lander
- Removed Language from column on landings page - now instead to the right behalf of the land
- Chromium and Chrome now combined in browser reports
- Crop browser versions up to 2 numbers with removing extra zeros in chrome
- Crop OS versions up to 2 digits
- Default values of Token's name (t1, t2, etc.) when fields are empty in the source
- Removed autofill for tokens in source editing
- {clickid} and {campaignkey} Tokens for lands
- Ability to direct traffic on a specific Path or LP (&to_path=1&to_lander=2)
- Upgrade process of cloning offers, lands, etc.
- Apply button
- Redirect by user-agent's appliance
- Automatic check availability of all files
Update 0.982 - 06.04.16
- New update system
- New device determination system (10 times improved detection)
- Left from Browscap
- Values input check while updating conversions
- Rules statistics in path reports
Update 0.981 - 01.04.16
- Documentation
Update 0.980 - 21.03.16
- Backup copies procedure improved
- The maximum values for url and name are increased
- Improved work with delayed data
- Cleaning algorithm improved
- Fields in all database tables were improved
Update 0.979 - 16.03.16
- Security improved
- Internal procedure for statistics recalculation in case of failures
- Language option in offer editing.
Update 0.978 - 09.03.16
- Ability to copy lands and offers inside window
- Correct sorting in reports by day of the week and hour of the day
- Automatic http:// append in land’s or offer’s URL
- Direct or reverse rule show in redirects
- In the rules reports, traffic through the default paths marked as Default
- Bug tracker
Update 0.977 - 03.03.16
- Import click price from Cost token
- Installer: added information about PHP user
- Improved updates system
- Increased CPC set accuracy up to 5 decimal places
- Made 4 decimal places in CPC and EPC statistics output
- Autofill for tokens in traffic source settings
- Added redirect by referral
- Added redirect by the day of the week
- Added redirect by connection type and speed
- Added redirect by language
- Added redirect by screen resolution
Update 0.976 - 01.03.16
- Updates system improved
- Installer improved
- Redirect on full and reduce country name
- Name of generated in reports CSV file
- Interface for update window