If you are a marketer who depends on running ads for your product/offer/service, you must know how frustrating it can be getting your ads approved by moderators. Here is a shocker for you: Facebook approves less than 50% of ads placed on its platform by media buyers and marketers. This means each time you place an ad on Facebook, there are more chances of it getting disapproved than approved and this is mostly down to the tools and strategy you employed while placing the ads on the platform.
The truth is that the rule of the game is changing every day: Facebook, Google AdWords, Bings, and every other advertising platform out there are getting stricter every day. Thus, it is not uncommon to see your ads getting disapproved even if you have been using the platform for a long time.
You certainly don’t need to waste a lot of time getting your ads approved if you are a busy marketer. You need a tool that makes it easier for your ads to get approved by the moderators on Facebook, Google AdWords, as well as on other platforms.
Binom LP pixel
This is where Binom landing page pixel becomes very important. As a marketer, you don’t only need to learn about pixels but also you need to use them on your campaigns. Binom landing page pixel will save you a lot of headaches. You can think of this tool as your personal assistant who keeps a record of everyone that visits your landing page. Additionally, you can use the data to offer a personalized web experience and even synchronize cookies across domains.
What are the benefits of Binom LP pixel?
There may be other reasons why you may need to use landing page pixels other than the ones described above. Some of these reasons include:
Cloaking your links
There are odd situations where your traffic source does not support links with a redirect. This could happen when you are using FB ads, Bing ads, AdWords, or even MyTarget. It usually leads to your campaign getting disapproved. When this happens, there is absolutely no need to panic. If you have Binom account already, all you need to do is log into your account and then fire up your LP pixel and send all the tokens of the source in the URL’s parameters.
Using CDN for LP
Do you want to use CDN for the landings? Then we strongly recommend making use of LP pixels in this case. This way, you will easily overcome the limitations that come with using CDN for the landings.
Analyze Traffic
As a marketer, one skill that you need to develop fast is the ability to analyze your traffic. Of course, there are tons of apps and software available for this job. You can use a state-of-art tracker like Binom. Additionally, you can use Google analytics and other tracking systems available in the market today.
However, if you want to run ads on Facebook or AdWords, you will need to overcome their very stringent approval process. In most cases, both Facebook and AdWords frown upon the use of tracking software and this may cause your ads to get disapproved. One key way to overcome this is to utilize Binom LP pixel. This way, you don’t have to send a different lander to Facebook or AdWords for approval. Instead, you can integrate pixel directly on your lander and get your ads approved faster without losing your ability to analyze your traffic.
We also recommend making use of landing page pixels when you expect most of your landing page visits to come from mobile. Using this approach will no doubt boost the performance of your campaign. Additionally, Binom LP pixels work very effectively when you want to do a campaign split test. You can easily find the steps to do this on Binom documentation page.
No doubt, using landing page pixel for your campaigns is no brainer. This is one of the features that exist in Binom but not available in most other trackers. This saves you a lot of time and of course, money. If you are already a Binom user, you certainly don’t need to pay any additional money to use this feature. It comes with your current premium plan.
How To Use Binom LP Pixel?
Whether you have experience using pixels before or not, you can certainly use Binom LP Pixel. It only takes a few clicks to set up and get your campaign running.
To make use of Binom LP pixel, you need to visit this page to learn the instructions. Binom already has a script (a line of code) that you will copy and then paste into the HTML-code of your landing page in the heading section. It is very easy to do. However, if you run into any problems, Binom support team will be happy to help you.
Final Words
Making use of landing page pixel will greatly improve your overall campaign performance. If you are getting your traffic from Facebook and AdWords, using LP pixel increases your chance to get your campaign approved faster without losing your ability to track visitors’ action on your landing page. With Binom LP pixel, you can track your visitors without using link redirect and it works incredibly fast too especially on mobiles.